Вопросы оптимизации функционирования систем микроклимата с учетом их энергоэффективности и комфортной температуры в помещениях
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Yang, L. Thermal comfort and building energy consumption implications / L. Yang, H. Yan, J. C. Lam // A review. Applied Energy, 115. - 2014. - Pp. 164 - 173.
Allegrini, J. Modelling the urban microclimate and its influence on building energy demands of an urban neighbourhood / J. Allegrini, J. Kampt, V. Dorer, J. Carmaliet // CISBAT 2013-September 4 - 5, 2013-Lausanne, Switzerland. - Pp. 867 - 872.
Humphreys, M. A. Understanding the adaptive approach to thermal comfort / M. A. Humphreys, J. F. Nicol // ASHRAE Trans 1998:104. - Pp. 991 - 1004.
Humphreys, M. A. Outdoor temperatures and Comfort indoors / М. А. Humphreys // Res. Prakt. - 1978. - Pp. 92 - 105.
Dear, R. J. Development an adaptive model of thermal comfort and preference / R. J. Dear, C. S. Brager // ASHRAE Trans. - 1998:104. - Pp. 145 - 167.
Dear, R. J. A global data base of thermal Comfort field experiments / R. J. Dear // ASHRAE Trans. - 1998: 104. - Pp. 1141 - 1152.
Chew, T. T. Thermal comfort and Energy conservation in commercial buildings in Hong Kong / T. T. Chew, J. C. Lam // Architect Sci. Rev. - 1992: 35. - Pp. 67 - 72.
Zeanu, Z. M. Thermally acceptable temperature drifts can reduce the energy consumption for cooling in office buildings. Build Environment / Z. M. Zeanu, R. Doramajian A. 1992: 27. - Pp. 469 - 481.
Sekhar, S. C. Higher space temperatures and better thermal comfort - a tropical analysis / S. C. Sekhar // Energy Build. 1995: 23. - Pp. 63 - 70.
Chen, X. Model predictive control for indoor thermal comfort and energy optimization using occupant feedback / X. Chen, Q. Wang, J. Srebric // Energy and Buildings, 102, 2015. - Pp. 357 - 369.
Martinзevic, A. Model Predictive Control for Energy-saving and Comfortable Temperature Control in Buildings / A. Martinзevic, M. Vaєak, V. Leєiз. https: // www.researchgate.net/publication/326377379 _Model_Predictive_Control_for_Energy-saving_and_ Comfortable_Temperature_Control_in_Buildings.
Zhou, Ch. Y. Study on the relationship between thermal comfort and air-conditioning energy consumption in different cities / Ch. Y. Zhou, X. Zhong, S. Liu, Sh. Han, P. Liu // Journal of Computers. - V. 38. - N. 2. - 2017. - Pp. 135 - 143.
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