Нестационарность процесса выработки теплоты при работе тепловых насосов в зимних условиях
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Liu, X. Experimental study of a new multifunctional water source heat pump system / X. Liu, F. Li, Q. Guo, Y. Zhang, T. Sun // Energy Build. - 2016. - Vol. 111. - pр. 408 - 423. URL: ttps://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778815304321.
Sayegh, M. A. Heat pump placement, connection and operational modes in European district heating / M. A. Sayegh, P. Jadwiszczak, B. P. Axcell, et al. // Energy Build. 2018. - Vol. 166. - pр. 122 - 144. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S0378778817338410.
Liu, Z. Heating and Cooling Performances of River-Water Source Heat Pump System for Energy Station in Shanghai / Z. Liu, H. Tan, Z. Li // Procedia. - 2017. - Vol. 205. - pр. 4074 - 4081. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S1877705817344569.
Piccolroaz, S. A simple lumped model to convert air temperature into surface water temperature in lakes / S. Piccolroaz, M. Toffolon, B. Majone // Hydrology and earth system sciences. - 2013. - Vol. 8. - pр. 3323 - 3338. URL: https://www.hydrol-earth-syst- sci.net/17/3323/2013/.
Livingstone, D. M. The relationship between air and water temperatures in lakes of the Swiss Plateaua case study with palaeolimnological implication / D. M. Livingstone, A. F. Lotter // Journal Paleolimnol. - 1998. - Vol. 9. - pр. 181 - 198. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A: 1007904817619.
Wu, W. Progress in ground-source heat pumps using natural refrigerants / W. Wu, H. M. Skye // International Journal of Refrigeration. - 2018. - Vol. 92. - pр. 70 - 85. URL: https://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140700718301865.
Valizade, L. Ground Source Heat Pumps / L. Valizade // Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. - 2013. - Vol. 3. - pр. 216 - 219. URL: http://www.jocet.org/ papers/049-I10018.pdf.
Todoran, T. P. Long term behavior of a geothermal heat pump with oversized horizontal collector / T. P. Todoran, M. C. Balan // Energy and Buildings. - 2016. - Vol. 133. - pр. 799 - 809. URL: https: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0378778816312889.
Zhang, N. Review of soil thermal conductivity and predictive models / N. Zhang, Z. Wang // International Journal of Thermal Sciences. - 2017. - Vol. 117. - pр. 172 - 183. URL: https://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1290072916315228.
Maksimov, V. I. An experimental study of the effect of water bodies temperature on water heat pump performance / V. I. Maksimov, A. Saloum // MATEC Web of Conferences: Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy, Tomsk, 24 - 26 April, 2018. - 2018. - Vol. 194. - № 01050. pр. 1 - 4. URL: https: //www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/ abs/2018/53/matecconf_hmttsc2018_01050/ matecconf_ hmttsc2018_01050.html.
Харченко, В. В. Использование низкопотенциальной теплоты поверхностного водотока в теплонасосной системе теплоснабжения сельского дома / В. В. Харченко, А. О. Сычёв // Науковий вісник НУБІП України. - 2014. - № 194 - 2. C. 19 - 24. URL: https: //elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22259747.
Довженко, Д. Оптимизация низкотемпературного контура теплонаcосной установки на основе теплоты поверхностных вод / Д. Довженко // Альтернативная энергетика и экология. - 2013. - № 7. - C. 31 - 36. URL: https: //elibrary.ru/item.asp?id= 19403468.
Zhou, C. Heat transfer analysis of multi-row helically coiled tube heat exchangers for surface water-source heat pump / C. Zhou, L. Ni, Y. Yao // Energy. - 2018 - Vol. 163. - pр. 1032 - 1049. URL: https://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0360544218317262.
Maksimov, V. I. Conditions and characteristics of water crystallization on the working surface of evaporator heat pumps in reservoirs with low temperatures / V. I. Maksimov, T. A. Nagornova, V. S. Chernyshev // MATEC Web of Conferences: Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment, Tomsk, 22 - 23 April, 2015. - 2015. № 01051. - 8 p. URL: https://www.matec-conferences. org/articles/matecconf/abs/2015/04/matecconf_tsotr2015_ 01051/matecconf_tsotr2015_01051.html.
Maksimov, V. I. Convection influence on ice formation process on the evaporator heat pump pipes / V. I. Maksimov, A. Saloum // MATEC Web of Conferences: The Fifth International Youth Forum "Smart Grids 2017", Tomsk, 9 - 13 October, 2017. - 2017. - № 01001. - pр. 1 - 5. URL: https://www. matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2017/55/ matecconf_smartgrids2017_01001/matecconf_ smartgrids 2017_01001.html.
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